Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste

Thanks for letting me join the community. I have been playing Legions of Azgorh in Age of Sigmar for a few years, but I have recently become interested in trying out WFB. I have attached a few pics of my current army. Since it’s now impossible to get any more models from Forge World, I was searching for 3d prints to add to my army and stumbled across CDO. I’m looking forward growing my army an sharing motivation and inspiration. All for Hashut!


Welcome! …and great looking army so far. :hatoff:


Thanks! That means a lot coming from from a talented artist like yourself. I plan on posting more pics because it motivates me to paint.

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Great army!!! Welcome!

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Welcome aboard the iron deamon :steam_locomotive: :train: :train: !!
You’ll find so much around here!

Man I listened this cover so many times. What a blast

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That’s pretty neat army. You have enough warmachines and characters. You need a little bit more troopers and…greenskins. The latter are very easy to get.

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I currently have 30 Lost Kingdom fireglaives on the painting desk and I’m working on collecting all the unwanted hobgrots from the dominion box set from other gamers in my local community. It looks like I have some serious batch painting sessions ahead of me.


Pleased to meet you, hope you stick around.


You should have been here for the 50p a hobgrot craze of '21-'22!


Crazy days

Anyone wanna buy a hobgrot? Or 200?


Looks like a not even small WHF army to me.
Strange base shapes, but still.

For more inspiration, just look through the “showcase” aka army project threads. Since CDs have little official support for quite a while now, they are from very different styles and ages, whatever people liked most or came from – some are very oldschool, some more like what Forgeworld did.
There are also several threads here and there about alternative models, size comparisons and so on.

Trust me, I have been stumbling around from thread to thread gawking at all the talent. I have already found numerous ideas for future projects. My goal is to paint at least one new Chaos Dwarfs unit or leader model each month this year and I really think that CDO will help give me the motivation to make that goal a reality.


Join the War against the gray!

Its a great motivator to paint more then you buy!


I’d be happy to join up. I know that I am a little late to the party, but I need all the motivation that I can get.


Welcome to the group! Your current army looks great on the table top! Look forward to seeing how you expand it.

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