Reaver of Agraybia [BATG 2025]

In 2024 Reaver waded in the shallow +/- territory, painting arduous cav, monstars, and machines that only count as one… Craving some infantry, Reaver found little solace in batch painting some Kroot. Something… drastic… will need to be done to satiate the brushlust in 2025. A desert full of maxmini tabs have been perilously left open…

A stalwart Brian even in the face of new Kroot crapivores, bleghspid wingalings, newnids, OldKings, Lego Squat rock raiders, and probably plenty of other explicitly for Reaver releases. But hey, someone has to keep GW out of business and we know it’s not gonna be @Jasko

BATG lives! Hope to see some new and old faces taking up the fight this year! We need to get the hobby hangout engines turning. Let’s post more pretty pictures on the forum (bowlth chaos dwarf and off topic) and of course the vicarious shared dopamine hits we all crave.

Here are some of the projects I’ll be looking to tackle this year:

  • Maximum Ogredrive! Paint your dam Red Bard ogres already, get on with it!
  • Maximummaxminiage!
  • Finish Ankh Monsters to pretend you accomplished something last year

The Official Tally

:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Purchased: 111
:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Created: 0
:heavy_minus_sign: Models Painted: 32

Total: +79

Month :heavy_plus_sign: Added :heavy_minus_sign: Painted :heavy_equals_sign: Total :chart_with_downwards_trend: Running Total
Jan 111 32 +79 +79
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Models Painted: 3

1 Like

Reserved differently

Even the mightiest Brian can find himself mired in quicksand. In the desert of Araby, so ends the chronicles of Reaver Brianson, apprentice of BATG Sage Shia Lebeefre, conquerer of undead mystery boxes, vanquisher of the grey beasts of Yarnham, memelord of the great Chitzian graphs, and rejector of the aiolian realms.

He who was once the bane of the triple digit Jaskorhian wastelands, now fighting for his very life amidst the sand he so cherishes.


Welcome to 2025 BATG warriors, I’ll see you in 2026. That said, I’m very excited to embark on a new project. Some lil lads, some Tzeentch influence, some sand, and even some elves (gasp). I desperately needed fantasy infantry to paint. The plan is to have an araby faction of traders that can plausibly ally with my Chaos Dwarfs.


What a guy, starting with +111!

Some awsome minis in there.


Dear God, +111 on January 1st, poetic! A mighty start. I shall acquire some High Elves and join you.


Finished my contest entry! Pics will be shared when allowed.


The slow crawl across the desert begins. With pockets full of sand, the journey will be long and fraught with further peril. Just maybe, opportunity will be found buried among the dunes.



Ankh Wadjets



Very pleased with the first look at the sculpts. Crisp details and very characterful models.


So some unexpected events have happened and I’m running into mold issues in my apartment that have impacted my minis collection. Fittingly, my clan moulder rats appear to be patient zero.

Accordingly, I’ll have to be careful with what I paint and put more rigor into sealing minis.

Given that disappointment I attempted to quickly knock out this Carnival Zombie board game. The rulebook is a trashy mess but underneath is a good zombies in Venice tower defense board game.

I’m happy enough with how these came together. I left the characters in mostly single color to help distinguish them on the board. They’re all sealed and ready for some games and safe storage in their game box.

-26 and some breathing room so I don’t feel quite so fuzzydoomed in the Jaskorian wastelands