@Reaver for the early support in gener-ating ideas for this Zine. @MichaelX for the wealth of material, ideas and support. @Zanko and @Fabelzel for giving up your time to be interviewed.
The staff at CDO for backing this crazy idea.
The CDO community. A worldwide net-work of Hashut Heads whose enthusi-asm for miniature wargaming is unri-valled. @Willmark , @Xander and all the original contributors to the Word of Hashut magazine whose efforts and work directly inspired the creation of this publication.
And a special thanks to our lord and saviour: The Mighty Hashut.
this is all of us now.
such quality work, in gathering info, pics, sources. man you outdone yourself.
gonna be my reading for the upcoming nights!! oh boy . .
Hey all - few editing issues in the original documents so I’ve uploaded an edited version here instead. I haven’t deleted the issues with errors in case you’ve sent those specific links out but have deleted links to them from this post, meaning anyone who was sent this post as a link will now see the updated version.
You may want to delete the original and download this version for your own files especially if you plan to print it. Any further typos are simply the work of disgruntled hobgoblin slaves and should be ignored.
Very, very, well done. Thanks for putting in so much effort both to the editor and the contributors. This really came together well. I’ve only had a chance to glance through it thus far, but will give it a more in-depth peruse over the coming days. Quality work!
Why should Chaos Dwarves not know solidarity with the inferior races? Victory can only be achieved together. Once we are the rulers of the world, only then will Hashut’s favourite be chosen!