[TOW] Let's get competitive

The hero killer spell is great IF You face a model that can not join units. Mage in pegasus, banshee etc.

I think the idea is to have a 5" template AND forcing panics on hordes of goblins and everything else… Also… A Rocket with lower STR than a rock?

I like the idea of hab\ving a lvl1 prophet to babysit 2 engines. With 2 magic missle spells too. And Prophet on Taurus with 18" engineer radius :smiley:


Specifically to the enemy mentioned, Tomb Kings, I know they often have their wizards on skelly horseback inside a minimum unit of horse archers. Dust a few archers and then hit him with the sorcerer’s curse, good to go :+1:t2:

Specifically hordes of goblins are most likely to FBIGO if anything, and unless they’re placed in an unfortunate way, or they’re close to a board edge, it’s not unlikely to be a positive thing for them, since they get a free reform in their enemy’s turn.


On the other hand! Getting a direct hit with a deathshrieker on a (meta standard) large night goblin unit will net you, what, 16-20 hits? About 10 wounds on average, of which they save 2 on average. With a bit of luck, that’s potentially devastating, I think.


If you hit them first turn while all units are still arranged neatly in the deployment zone, FBIGO is enough when they “pop through” other units and suddenly that 3" FBIGO sees them 16" from the spot where they started. And of course that can trigger a FBIGO cascade.


Sure, that would go in the category of being unfortunately placed, but let’s be real - unless you get a really solid hit, they’re likely to panic on LD 10, and they’re likely to have a BSB around as well. I wouldn’t put my eggs in that basket.

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A battle is always fluid. Nobody will be able to always keep certain models from being “unfortunately placed”, doesn’t matter how good a player. Nobody never fails a LD9 or LD10 roll. Force enough dice rolls and eventually one will fail, that’s just the nature of the game. The nice thing about the Deathshrieker is it has options. You can happily shoot demolition rockets the whole game, until the time is right for Incendiary rockets. Maybe it doesn’t happen at all. But it’s always a possibility. And that’s before you just help yourself a little with Gathering Darkness from Daemonology. Suddenly it’s only a LD7 roll or something and that supposedly unmovable brick is pushed back those critical 3”.

When I look at army lists from GTs or the ones I draw myself, BSBs are not 8th edition’s auto include anymore. Deathshriekers, Hellcannons, Daemon Flask, Gathering Darkness, Terror causing monsters and chariots - we have a lot of ways to force panic tests in our favour. Take out a general or bsb, soften up units below 50% unit strength, then cause panic. Might just win you a game.


Lore Familiar and Hashut spells.

I was told on an event today I can not take Hashut spells because I did not generate spells with Lore Familiar.

You Play the same way?

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No, I’d say you can still swap for Hashut spells. I’ve heard this interpretation before but I don’t think that’s RAI.

I mean, I have general problems with the lore familiar to be honest, just from a game mechanism standpoint. Spells are random and I like that but then there is a way to have them not random for your most powerful wizard? Yeah great, why bother in the first place then? So from that point it would be an intriguing way of balancing out the item a bit.

I took it up with my friendly local TO the other day. He says there’s a hard limit of 1 signature spell, but with lore familiar you can choose that from either your own lore or the chosen lore.

Some TO’s will rule like you say, without access to the army lore, but as @Jasko says, this is unlikely to be RAI

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Yes, that’s a good point, nothing changes in this regard, you still only get to swap for one signature spell.

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It is a ahrr no RAW. Which is wierd. Mam those small things like this makes some builds usless. You send a list, arrive at the event and then… Suprise!

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Curse of Hashut

If a Prophet targets a hero in a unit and look out sir! saves him how multiple wounds from the spell are resolved? Spell kills one model only and extra wounds are lost?

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Oh my god, this is dumb. So a look out, Sir! is only rolled when the target is hit. The targeted character makes a T test, after which he suffers multiple hits. These hits then have to be rolled for individually, for look out, Sir! So yeah, I guess you can murder 1-5 individual rank and file guys if your opponent passes all rolls :thinking:


Mhm, I think I would handle the look out sir before the T test. It’s a magic missile after all so it hits automatically. Then it’s however many “hits” but excess wounds are lost. Makes the most sense to me this way


It does make the most sense, but check out the wording there. The hits are distributed after the T test, and look out, Sir! specifically triggers on hits, not on being targeted.


That is how I read it. This is not Multiple Wounds attack. Those are separate hits.

“Look Out, Sir!”: If a champion is hit by a shooting attack, and if there are five or more rank and file models in the unit, the champion can make a “LookOut, Sir!” roll. To make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the champion is hit. On a roll of 2+, another member of the unit is hit in the champion’s place.

Another interesting dynamic is when this kills enough models for a unit to loose LO,S! half way through resolving hits lol

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Yeah I know. My argument is that the “hit” already occurred when the magic missile is successfully cast.

A successfully cast Magic Missile automatically hits its target; there is no need to make a roll To Hit.

A toughness test is not a hit roll. And even more: you then would do the toughness test on the higher toughness of the character but then transfer the hits on lower toughness models. That makes no sense. If a regular model pushes the character out of the way, the projectile literally hits him with his lower toughness.

I was thinking about increasing strength of missile weapons with demonic vessel spell. The only way seems to be putting hobbo big bosses in the unit with the mage. S5 thrown weapons would be a nice bonus but far from a game changer. I kind of want to do it anyway haha

Pity no war bows…

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Honestly I don’t think the writers of the spell intended for this spell to be avoidable via look out Sir.

As it stands we have a pretty clear RAW, that makes no sense, as you say (and it doesn’t :sweat_smile:), but we’d need a tournament errata to smooth it out - and also make models with the sniper rule even remotely viable, while they’re at it.

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That’s what I thought - until the last Errata came out to specifically address this, and AFAIK it exclusively affects this spell and that Wood Elf Waystalker ability.

For me the point is moot inasmuch as it doesn’t really matter if the LoS comes before or after the toughness test, both times the result is you won’t be able to kill that character. Curse of Hashut still is good for those lone infantry and cavalry wizards, or maybe engineers, but for me it lost most of its appeal.