Updating/restoring my Mordheim stuff

Yeah I’m super happy with it!

Never expected to find this stuff for a reasonable price, but I learned you shouldn’t underestimate the power of community and the depths of Oldhammer gamers’ to do pile ;p


Haha, perfect quote there, can’t wait to see what you do with these

Well, you didn’t have to wait long ;p

I had to wait for the parts, but I did start working on the building. So when I recieved the parts, I just had to install them and the building was ready to go!

So here’s the first building from the Blood on the Streets expansion, and the biggest building so far!

This one was the most work so far. I had to work out how the parts fit together since this was the first building I hadn’t built before. And then I had to work out how I would most efficiently use magnets in this thing.

Because yeah, there are a lot of magnets and it can be put together in a couple of different ways.

Here’s another video showing how it works:

That gives me a lot of options on the table!

There is one scenario in Frostgrave (that’s what I also want to use the terrain for) that needs a giant wizard tower, at least 10" tall. Normally it would seem impractical to have such a tall tower in your collection, but this way it works out nicely :slight_smile:

Here are some more pics.

Now on to the final 2 buildings (that should be a lot less work than this one) and maybe even some painting!


please Bas, invite me at your place! i wanna play with toys! i wanna do things! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so beautiful


This is looking so good mate. Cannot wait to see it done!

Not long indeed :grin:

This project is fantastic, @Loidrial I think if there is ever a CDO meet up it needs to be at @bas_2312’s place so we can all play on this kit!

Amazing job


I painted up some denizens of Mordheim!

First up, the cross girl from the Frenzied Mob set. It really is a cool and characterful mini, and I really hope to get the complete set someday.

It appears she’s not really a fan of rats…

More and more of them keep showing up in my city.

And finally, I noticed this little burglar sneaking around.

With this guy I now own all slotta based Halflings that GW has ever released, and almost all of the non-slotta based mini’s (just missing a few).

I hope you like this post. If you do, you can also follow me on Instagram.


Feel free to show off your halfling army. Everyone likes halflings :smiley:


Haha the way that girl look at those skaven corpes… brilliant.

“Ugh bloody rat kin dying on the street… suppose i am expected to clean that? Too bad they’re not edible, init?”


I should make some nice pictures of the army someday, but they’re all packed up at the moment.

But I made this video a couple of years ago when they we’re on display. This should give you at least an idea of the army :slight_smile:


Nice looks great. I like the pegasus knights.

A long overdue update! Well… it felt like ages since I worked on this project, but it’s been only a month…

I’ve finished a couple more buildings and now Mordheim is starting to look like a real city, or at least a street!

And I couldn’t resist making a silly little video…


And a little photodump of some “product pictures”, with a before and after!


Packing my stuff. Moving there close to you.
I’ll bring food.
:top2: .
:shock0: Man that’s awesome!

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Pizza time?

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Awesome stuff. Been making some buildings myself with a view to getting into Wyrdwars. This thread has given me so much inspiration. Thank you


A small update to this project:

I painted up some more denizens of the town!

Some creepy crows:

And a big Possessed creep. Sometimes you come across minis that are so ugly that they become beautiful again, and other times you have figures like this Possessed that are just weird and awkward sculpts… Still like how he turned out though:

Over the past couple of weeks/months I’ve been gathering up parts from the old Mordheim kit, and I have a couple of extra of the cardboard buildings with the plastic bits needed to complete them. If there are any other adventurors looking for stuff like this let me know :slight_smile: