But, but sir. I’m not done buying this year yet!
I actually own an “I spreadsheets” mug so yeah, it’s genuinely helping motivate me to paint more.
Haha love it!
I had some last minute surprises/purchases that have cause me to fall from my goal…. Looks like I’ll have to work harder next year!!!
Congrats all! I’ll have my spreadsheet entries for EoY settle by the end of today. Hope to see you all in BATG 2024.
Probably give everyone until the end of the week before medals are awarded.
Medals have been handed out. If there are any errors or updates that aren’t in the 2023 spreadsheet just reach out. Nice job everyone. @MichaelX I would propose locking the spreadsheet tab in about a weeks time after any formal appeals to the sports scores.
No blackshards in 2023, but at least 2 of all the other medal types awarded!