War Against The Gray [BATG 2023 overview thread]

You should look at Figure Case if you have an apple device - I’ve been using it for years to track my everything.

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This is how I did it with the 20 models I sold. Put them at -20 in the “added” column.

I hope I can reignite my painting in the second half of the year. Last year was awesome, and I actually felt how painting was a great way to be more relaxed and, well, mentally healthy. This year I barely had time for hobby at all in the first six months, and I really miss it. Painting certainly would have helped with real-life-stress but it was just not possible. Will be after end of June thought, so I have high hopes. And some awesome models to paint I am quite excited about, so that all checks out. Goal for the year is “just” to get into the negative again.


Just a friendly reminder for folks to update the Google Sheets page with their model counts.

I’m trying to run some stats to see how the community is doing, but there’s definitely a couple of members who have been actively updating their BATG2023 pages but there are no updates for them in the spreadsheet. I’m suspecting my “community engagement” metric (active updates per month vs number of members enrolled for 2023) is slightly in error, with some of the drop-off in apparent activity being due to under-reporting of monthly progress in the spreadsheet as opposed to lack of engagement with the hobby :wink:

Update when you can :hat:


Chief initiative here! I’ve dropped in my dismal 0,0 for both August and September. (I sculpted things and did basing I swear). Thanks for the reminder!


Here’s the current summary based on what has been recorded for most participants:

Total scores for each of the recorded participants from the spreadsheet entries… assuming October is less accurate as not all members are done yet.

The second plot is the estimate of the community ‘engagement’. The spreadsheet has 18 listed participants and each month if there was any addition or subtraction recorded by a member they were counted as ‘active’ and the total active members each month is divided by the 18 participants. Again, October isn’t done so it’s not clear yet if BATG participation is continuing to decline or if we’re just a little behind on reporting for the month.



Great to see this! Plenty of people in striking distance of the negatives!


Fame through infamy!!! Chaos through and through :wink:

I mean… you were doing really well there mid-way through the year. A couple of Kick Starter campaigns or box sets should get you back on track!!! :smile:



I’ve been in a real slump in regards to actually finishing stuff. I have a fair pile of minis painted but not based, some half painted, nothing finished :slight_smile:

Hence my scores of zero. I did actually finish something this month though, I’ll take some pics when I get a min.


This graph makes me happy.

I have no further commentary at this time.


I could probably update the spreadsheet more regularly… but that would force me to face the +33 I just added…… gotta get back on the horse to stay at my coveted goal


Wishing all you @BATG_Warriors a productive final month! There’s still time to claw through some final painting!

Or just turn in and nuke your 2023 hopes and dreams now to set yourself up for great things in 2024. That’ll work right?


Come on everybody! You can do it!


Hey @BATG_Warriors !

I know there’s still a little time yet before we’re done, but I have a question for all of you, positive and negative totals alike:

What did you enjoy painting the most this year?

For me, it was this Sentinel. I know I’ve done some things I really enjoyed this year (my Chaos Dwarf lord’s axe is a very close second) but painting those armour panels over drybrushed metal was just absolutely therapeutic. Dab on some Mordian Blue. Wander off, let it dry. Not opaque enough? Just pop some more on.

Finding new things to love about painting has really pushed me along this year, and I’d love to hear what you’ve all enjoyed, too.


That sentinel came out great! Having a good time while painting is the most important thing, obviously.

For me, I gotta say it’s probably this Sequitor lady:

You can see how it was designed with a painter in mind. Takes washes and drybrushes really well, has armour and cloth, good for edge highlighting, the pose is really cool, it’s an all around excellent model for painting!


probably this casket of souls

It’s not often I crack open an old army book and just get to painting the scheme in the book. Very nostalgic and relaxing.


I think it has to be this one, a Treeman for my College of Life Dungeon Bowl team. It went through the process of being a “failed” conversion to picking it up from the bin and giving it one last try. The painting process had a similar ride and ended up being a favorite of mine… :sweat_smile: :upside_down_face:


Haha, what an excellent model. The eye! Wonderful. Peak Blood Bowl


Fantastic models and a brilliant paintjob. There are no miners I like more than these fellers. Glad you enjoyed them like I remember.


Damn, I’ve added models to the pile every month this year! But only started painting in August. Tough to beat the gray this way…


@BATG_Warriors time to update the spreadsheet, create a new [BATG 2024] blog and have it added to the War against the gray 2024

It warms my heart like a cozy blanket on a chilly day to witness you fine folks still rocking that spreadsheet! Who knew my masterpiece could inspire such spreadsheet resilience? Keep on spreadsheeting, you spreadsheet superheroes!