I am definitely interested, potentially for two copies.
judging by the two official books, the grand army lists seem to be remarkably close to around 32 pages per faction, so I’d expect this book to be closer to 225 pages or so.
Can you help me figure out how much shipping is (roughly) going to be? I guess all books will be delivered to you and then you redistribute them?
will you try and match the cover etc so it looks nice next to Armies of Fantasy and Ravening Hordes? have you thought about a name yet?
You might need to be prepared for the GW released pages to be only 20 pages long. Get-you-by army lists tend to only be 2-4 pages long per army, rather than the one unit per page that a full army book list gets, plus all the bestiary. Unless you plan to actually rewrite it into that style, it’s going to be a bit thin.
So, tbh I can’t say that I care at all for the WarCom stuff. I would love to have the PDFs in a nice printed book to use during games or make army lists, none of which would be the case for the WarCom articles. I can’t see myself getting the book out of the cupboard to read those.
As for waiting a while to maybe get v1.1 and/or errata, I could agree to that. But it’s of course unclear if and when that happens. And I’m sure, Linus will want that book in time for Umea GT