If any of you could print the models for me, that would be great.
Ill send em yo you soon
Awesome! Just say what you want for it!
Oozhu Grand Duc of Hashoot
Having returned from a 15 year break from the hobby, I was more than excited to get back into making things from scratch. Albeit unsure if I could still sculpt to a degree that would hold up to the amazing creations above. It only took a few mentions of Hashoot around the community and I was engrossed with the idea of doing my take on the Bastard who worshipped It.
These days I only have a few hours an evening if I’m lucky so I was set on going with my gut and not get stuck trying to get everything perfect this time around.
I never sculpt without any reference so I drew what came to me when thinking of the owl theme.
Happy with the second sketch, so I moved on to getting an armature going and a first rough body.
Next (evening) I put on the bottom part of his cloak. I still have difficulty getting the folds to look natural.
Next, his cape/apron/caperon? It’s somewhat eastern influenced, although I kind of improvised. Also a basic face. My goal was to get a barn owl looking nose with beady eyes. Did not quite hit that mark in the end, but it was fun to try. Oh, and clawed feet.
Things started to look a lot better when the fun details came in. This round: beard, belt, eyeballs and braid. Note on the glossy look: after getting the basic shape and adhesion I want with GS I usually lightly brush on some vaseline to do smoothening passes. The next day I heavily brush these areas with IPA and use compressed air to blast the liquid off. This leaves a very clean surface and I do this all the time.
Next evening, I added some of the beard ornaments and attempted a mouth and moustache I ended up scrapping, which is never fun.
Shifting focus to the hat shape, I was ready to do a second try on the mouth. Also added a satchel and belt buckle.
Next evening I could put in a ton of details that I really enjoyed including moon phase / owl hat, eyebrows, eyelids, beard tip, schnozz and ears.
Next up, right hand and kris. Hands are difficult is all I can say. I did it in two phases, doing the nails after the hand had cured. Ended up carving the kris rather than sculpting it.
For the other hand I wanted a staff, but I had no concept. So for the first time I asked an AI for support and it gave me this:
It’s crap, but interesting crap and I worked with it and managed to get to a decent result in a couple of passes. I glued it to his armature and sculpted the hand the next evening.
After the staff I was in the home stretch and mostly just needed to cover him in feathers. The feathers were pre-sculpted on a strip of GS. I cut off pieces of the strip when still soft and tacked them onto the cloak with a dab of superglue. Big feathers first. Oh, and you may have noticed that I dropped the bugger and I damaged the staff and his kris, oh well…
Last pass on the feathers before we’re done!
Oozhu Grand Duc of Hashoot
Final images. Super happy with how this turned out and excited to see how it turns out after scanning and printing!
So now all I need is a name and some fluff. Anyone care to help me out with that? Prose is not my strongest point.
Trying to think of famous owls here and googling owl breeds
Archimedes eagle owl, prophet of hashoot?
Latin owl names have some potential. Bubo the Conjurer? Also nice: Strix (Strix hadorami is the desert owl), Otus, Aegolius, Psiloscops, …
Irezkhi’ghal or another Zharr-ification of Ereshkigal, one of the possible interpretations of the Burney Relief
@Uther.the.unhinged we the people of the great fractured one, the many faced god of untold worlds, Hashut. Do summon you with a slate as clean as the sky in which the owl swoops to weave us the origins of another forgotten bastard.
Thanks for sharing this stuff that is hawt. Lovely and inspiring WIPs. Very much looking forward to getting my grubby hands on a resin copy of this guy. The bastards grow!
I saw him and loved him. Doing fluff is tempting (but life here is mad at the moment). I would like to have a go, but I need a steer… Old World? AoS mortal Realms? ( if Mortal realms then ?Ulgu realm of Shadow?) T9A? or just go off piste entirely? Any suggestions?
No worries mate! I just pinged you since you’ve nailed the others!
I’ll defer to @Hotstuff to provide any guiding tidbits.
This model ist awesome! I’m seeing forward to incooperate this guy in my army!
One evening while sculpting, @anon65047651 had brought up that the French name for an Eagle Owl is Grand Duc, and that has stuck with me. Here in the Netherlands just call it an Oehoe (oe pronounced oo). How about we call him: Oozhu Grand Duc of Hashoot?
Here are a few thoughts on some details of the sculpt that might guide a narrative:
- A possibly exiled, hermit sorcerer
- Moon phase obsessed as his adornments show
- He carries a key and a whistle on his belt
- The whistle is much lower pitched than one would expect
- The key must be to his tower
The Brazen Bastards
A Begining
Part5 Unzi Al-Ashrar
Unzi looked around at the growing band of the ‘Chosen’ of Hashut (or Hashoot or Walhut or whichever of the myriad names the Father of Darkness chose to reveal to his people). He knew them all now. Not just their names and histories. Oh, he had been assiduous in his friendship and interest. Knowledge is power after all. He had learnt that long before he had found the staff and the power that went with it. If you knew someone, you knew their strengths, their weaknesses …. their price. What was it Azhahk used to say? “Slavers bend people to their whips. The wise bend people to their will.”
He had not understood it at the time, fixated on the power of magic. “Know your adversary…. and everyone is your adversary…. then you own them.” Azhahk had been right. It had taken him years to learn that. What did an ancient decrepit daemonsmith know he had thought. He had been young and foolish. He should have realised. There were very few ancient daemonsmiths for a reason!
“Magic burns us up” he’d say. “ The wise dwarf gets others to do it for them”. Learning to manipulate magic and daemons was easy, learning to manipulate people now that was a skill. “What’s the best way to get some one to do something?”. That had been his favourite question. “Persuade ‘em it’s their idea!”
Unzi had learned late. He had found the staff and taken the quick route to power. Oh it had worked. He had risen. What is more there was no sorcerors curse with the staff. But, and there was always a but, “There’s no free slaves in life” as Azhahk would say. Each use of the staff brought Them closer. He had felt it. The eyes in the shadows. Unzi cast a quick involuntary glance at Oss Crookfinger. Surely The Dead could not have followed him here. Where ever Here was.
Yes, he had learned late. But he had learned. Towards the end he rarely used the staff. He would have discarded it……if he could.
Unzi looked around again. Yes he knew them now. Not just their names and histories, but them. Karpok, the religious fanatic who loved his God only slightly less than bloodshed. A simple creature and a crude but useful tool. Oss Crookfinger the Daemonsmith or Bonesmith or whatever he called himself. A second rate sorceror with a chip the size of the Daemons Stump on his shoulder. His bitterness and arrogance were his levers. Still, Unzi thought, he would have to be careful. There was something … off… about him. Porco was easier ‘a survivor’. That’s how he thought of himself. A ‘Survivor’ was one way to describe him. A ‘Sneaky, Treacherous Bastard’ was another. He would do whatever he could to survive and would assume everyone else was doing the same. As long as you knew he would always try to stab you in the back, you were fine. A perfect weapon to keep the others in check, just feed his paranoia a little….
Zhiekward was harder. Cold and calculating, but a bastard none the less. Unzi knew he would struggle to manipulate him. But that was power in itself. He just had to manipulate the others to keep Zhiekwards’ attention …. elsewhere.
Yes, he knew them all. Well, all but one. Unzi’s attention settled on the latest arrival. Oozhu. Unzi smiled warmly at the latest arrival. “Smile, it confuses them”. Azhahk would have been proud. Yes, Oozhu. Unzi had not decided whether he was mad, simple, or incredibly dangerous yet. Possibly all three. Unzi watched him now, staring blankly into the distance. He could see him mouthing words in silence. Spells, prayers, nonsense? Unzi considered the enigma that was the self proclaimed ‘Grand Duc’. Whatever that was. Not, apparently a waterfowl, despite Porco’s apparently hilarious insistence. No. He was definitely a sorceror and another religious fanatic. Apparently ‘Hashoot‘ had visited him in a vision in Avian form and shown him the one true path. How many one true paths had Unzi heard of in his life? Unsurprisingly, when Oozhu had tried to convert the other sorceror prophets it had not gone well and he had fled. Sorry, ‘gone to the desolate places’ the better to commune with his god. And to contemplate ‘the music of the spheres’. Still holy fool or not Unzi recognized power when he saw it. He might be dressed in feathers like some backstreet strumpet but that owl headed staff reeked of sorcery. There was also the whistle. Oozhu’s hands would drift to it whenever he was talking about ‘Hashoot’ and His power. Unzi recognised that caress. The need to touch an object of power, to check it was there and had not deserted you. Yes, he recognized the need and hunger only to well. What did it do? What did it call? Unzi hated not knowing. Oh he had tried to find out. But his gentle questions had been met by obscure religious references and tangential lectures on the nature of ‘Hashoot’. Yes, Holy Fool or cunning sorceror prophet? Whichever, he was dangerous.
Unzi looked around the ‘Chosen’ of Hashut. They were an odd bunch of bastards. Religious fanatic, treacherous scum, unhinged Bonesmith, psychopath and Holy fool.Oh and himself. He knew what he was, a fradulent sorceror with a stolen staff. He had not lied to them when he told them he believed they were chosen. But why would anyone choose them? Was he the only one terrified by the thought of what they were chosen for?
That was outstanding @Uther.the.unhinged ! Thanks for inducting Oohzu in the lore.
No worries. It was fun. I left Oozhu intentionally vague re origin setting/power/personality etc. He is not my baby. If anyone wants to write him or wants to give me more meat to put on the bones so to speak, I could see if I could find his ‘voice’
For those interested, Oozhu is now available here: Free STL file Oozhu Grand Duc of Hashoot・3D print design to download・Cults
Thanks again to @MichaelX for the scans and @Reaver for the motivation.
YO! Who’s this cool fella?? Did you sculpt him?! Cant believe we have our 1st rapresentation of Hashoot! ahuahuhauhuahua
Man i must give it a go then!!
All CDO models must be print xD