Byzantine Border Princes

“There once was a dream that was Remas”


In times long passed, the Reman empire stretched across the southern lands of man.

Long since, it has fallen but there are Tileans who believe that lands once lost, could be conquered again for the glory of Remas.

Eyes are fixed on the border princes, long lost to barbarians, greenskins and pretenders. The horsemen of Tilea set sail from the Republic of Remas, south along the Tilean coast and along the Black Gulf. Reconquest, in the name of Remas!

This blog will serve as a repository of images of my growing late Roman /early Byzantine force.

Yes I already have a sizeable Roman army! But these are from a much later period of history roughly analogous to the fall of the west and up to around Justinian’s Gothic Wars.

As with my other historical armies I have no doubt they will fight more goblins than visigoths. Therefore I’ve created a blurb above to explain who they are and what they are about.

My groups TOW campaign is on the border princes. So I’m creating a faction of Reman Republic soldiers attempting to conquer lands once lost to their ancient empire in the mould of Belasarius and co.

This late era of the Roman army was a much more cavalry inspired force than their early imperial ancestors with Hun mercenaries and eastern inspired cataphracts.

Therefore, rules wise, I will be using Bretonnia. The legionaries will be foot knights, the cataphtacts grail knights and the peasant archers will be…well peasant archers.

The only issue is I have an awesome model of an Orthodox priest. Not sure how he will feel about being called a damsel…

Painting wise - my earlier romans are very bright and colourful. Very much like “on parade.” My late romans will be much more grim and dark (“dark age” appropriate you might say?) Once again, streaking grime will be my friend.


More photos to follow, but here are a few of my first Cataphracts


Battle standard bearer - a Varangian Guard. (You’re a long was from Norsca mate)


Batch zenithal for legionaries. I’ve heard of “germanization” of the late Roman army, but I’ve decided to interpret this as introducing a bit of “German efficiency” to my speed painting!

For those who have not seen it, I explained my rattle can approach towards quick and dirty zenithal on a speed painting terrain tutorial I did a while back:
Quick & Dirty 40k scenery painting: A beginner’s guide


All ranked up :slight_smile: (lighting ain’t great in these photos , but you get the idea)


Looking forward to this project.

Two questions:

1- Where did you found that map of the myrmidian empire?
2 - Victrix minis?


1 Warhammer wiki or lexicanum - can’t remember

2 Yes! They are great. They are affordable, well scaled and have tonnes of options


Bronze recipe on the cataphract - streaking grime and selective de griming for highlights?

Classic streaking grime thing, paint brighter than you want it. So it’s liberator gold. Then grime, then grime removal.

Same way as the metallics are all bright silver as opposed to a sort of boltgun metal because the grime subtracts a lot of that


This is a lovely army project, and something I’ve long wanted to see in the Border Princes. Nice freehand painting and good choice with Victrix.

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Painting my first legionaries . Marvel at how streaking grime does 90% of the work haha. Few highlights, eyes and bases still to go!


Been really enjoying doing the shields. You’ll see them clean here and then with grime, scratches and dried mud/blood splats


Been a slog! Big old batch paint. Just bases to go.