i don’t understand what this means but i agree
haha essentially a rule was put in the book that inexplicably allowed dwarfs of chaos to run quicker than humans. Most who played it agreed it was silly. When they did the 9th ed version they got rid of it and changed it for a normal dwarf rule that in simple terms means they are not intimidated by nearby units and are happy to march even when they are near (something other models have to test for)
Would playing plain tamurkhan be a disadvantage against wap lists?
@Habitual_Lurker , @Antenor , @Anzu , @GhraskDragh - the majority of us voted for 1500 points of minis was practical to take, using WAP 8th. We’re ironing out house rules but, get listing!
If you can’t physically bring 1500 pts, figure out what points you can bring, and let us know on the thread. the europeans will have cars and some will bring multiple armies of more than 1500 pts so fear not, you still have options!
I believe Tamurkhan azgorh is subsumed entirely inside WAP 8th, so it wouldn’t be an automatic disadvantage, just fewer options.
yeah this is my understanding too
Strange thing is I could’ve sworn in early versions of the WAP book they had the can’t be March blocked rule, not run at 3x movement rule; I can only assume that at some point it got changed to try and make them different to vanilla dwarfs.
One has to be careful to look at the WAP 8th book, not the WAP 9th book
And yeah, that rule is quite silly, I’m fine with just using the “regular” Dwarf rule here.
I preemptively baked the change into the cards I made haha
Well I would say nobody here is that dishonourable, right? Plus, for lack-of-space reasons, I probably won’t be bringing more models than the one I have in my lists anyway, so even if I wanted, I couldn’t change my army on the fly
So how I usually play is army lists are not shared, not before and not after. I like the surprises, especially with magic items. Feels more “realistic” for me not to know exactly how my opponent is kitted out. And that I can maybe surprise him. If you tell me in round 3 that you’re going to use the Ruby Ring of Ruin I’m gonna trust you there. Also when setting up, it’s a very different game when you have to place your models and you just don’t know what else is coming. Is there still a Steam Tank going to be deployed? It actually feels like an ambush if my Dwarf Miners come to the field at turn 3 unexpected, or his Wood Elf Glade Riders charge from the flank at turn 4.
But honestly both is fine, as I said, having a fun weekend is most important for me.
So it seems we are in agreement about WYSIWYG/proxy (we all prefer painted armies but are generally laid back about WYSIWYG) and the first custom rule will be the use of the regular Dwarf marching rule instead of the weird triple-march from WAP.
How should we handle army lists?
- Army lists are submitted to a third party in advance and shared
- Army lists are exchanged before the game starts
- Army lists remain secret
0 voters
What about special/named Characters?
- Pfff, as if Nagash cared about our skirmish here. No named characters!
- The Gods want war, bring 'em!
0 voters
This is how I prefer it too.
I’m completely indifferent to named characters. Bring them if you want, do not if you don’t. Rarely use them. Fine with whatever the majority wants.
I’m thinking we should write this in a document in advance, something brief and to the point.
Neet says he wants to come but refuses to join the board. Its actually not funny at this point just disorganised. Michael I told him to message you, has he?
No, he hasn’t.
He’s more than welcome to come. But it’s a forum meetup. So he needs to be in the forum and helping in organisation and discussions like the rest of us to be here. I hope he does.
Two really strong verdicts - secret lists and no named characters. Great!
I glanced over the TK WAP army book and, while there is a noticeable point inflation compared to 6th ed, 1500 pts should just work out for me. Question: If there is no army book listed does that mean the faction takes the vanilla 8th ed army book?
@Anzu we were taking the 8th Ed WAP chaos dwarfs book for playing as chaos dwarfs.
For other armies I’d say run what you normally run. Be it a well established and tested fan book like the WAP 8th or that armies “last legal” set of rules from an official source.
I don’t see anyone having an issue with you using the last army book or using the WAP book
Edit : I misunderstood your message sorry: yeah if there is no listed WAP 8th take the 8th Ed army book rules from gw id say
Yeah, that’s what I meant, sorry for the confusion.