Lost Legions of Karak Vlag [LLoKV] 2022NOV2

Added a few units to the acolytes. Was super stoked to work on some of @Reaver ‘s Brazen Bastards. Here are my renditions of them:

  1. Porco Dio

  1. Unzi-Al-Ashrad (summoning one of @Admiral’s Shadow Daemons)

  1. Zhiekward of Cath Arin

  1. Karpok

Unfortunately, I ran into an issue printing Oss Crook Finger’s head (came out tiny like that guy in MIB), so I had to hold off of printing him again.

And here is the full unit of acolytes (still working on rebasing a gifted petrified sorcerer onto a relevant base):


This magme cannon is absolutely legendary, it’s so cool.

The Brazen Bastards are also looking excellent, i love how you’ve painted them


Great unit for the bastards! Can’t wait to see @Hotstuff new Hashoot bastard in a very fitting place once he’s available too!

Bringing small scale Admiralty minis to 28mm is a true tradition. Shadow demon is a seamless fit.

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High time that I use the photos I DID take (self jab for forgetting to take photos of my GH entry) to post the finalised photos of my hobgobbo archers.


Gorgeous, I love the models, painting and the posts!


Time for the customary post Golden Hat WIP shots and description. It all started with Brokk Grungsson. Took a look at him and thought I could turn him into some lord for my acolytes, especially after comparing some sexy big ass hats on him

So chop chop chop, and we get rid of the useless armor bits around the arms (required some fixing with greenstuff to smooth them out again). Since he was gonna go with my acolytes of Hashooot, it seemed appropriate to give him an owl-faced hammer. And given the hammer, I realized he kinda looked like an Astragoth, so I decided to give him the flag poles, with appropriate flames

then it was time to do some sculpting! Beard, and

since Astragoth had a skull on his hammer and this poor dude’s was lookin kinda blank, I added a skull

Fit check

Followed by scale check

Which resulted in more tiny skulls on the flag poles

Then it was time to work on the two flags, where I opted for a stormy Karak Vlag and the mountains on one side, and the customary flaming skulls on the other

And now, for the paint job!! Only kidding… I recorded none of it, haha


Awesome conversion, I couldn’t tell how much work you put into it. I take my hat off to your skills.
The painting of the banners, especially the “back”, looks incredibly good.

Very chic


Thanks! It was super fun to work on, tbh. Was so happy to post it cause I finished it the week after the post went out (I had started it during an Astragoth campaign)


I hadn’t noticed the owl on the back side of the hammer! That sculpt needs to show up elsewhere too!


I’ll start adding it places! For now, I’m still focused on my bulls:


He is a great lord! The back banners are truly outstanding. I missed the owl too. Beautiful.


A stunning entry, although I’m obviously biased when seeing that you used one of the Big Hats that I sculpted :laughing:
I’m really impressed at the obvious amounts of work behind it all…very very nice!


Now that @Fuggit_Khan has express appreciation for my work, I can retire from modelling. I have peaked.

I did really love both those sculpts, and really had to take a while before deciding on one. They are fantastic!!!


Missed the finished post of these! Such a big fan of this headswap

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WOAH! my god I like your bull! My attempts at sculpting bulls backfire every time. It looks so menacing you really captured some emotion with those eyes. Good Job!

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What a great lot, what a great porco dio lol :pig: :small_red_triangle:


excellent work man! Dude they looks sooo good!

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Finally got to painting some Black Orks. Love the EmanG sculpts. The Grimgor is really cool. These were really not that hard to paint.


Finally finished the other small unit of hobgobbo spearmen. Loved and hated working on these guys, primarily because of the sheer amount of details in the Lost Kingdom Miniatures hobgoblins. While super cool, all of those details need to be somewhat painted, which results in a nightmarish amount of work.

They got the same treatment as my archers (as far as rhinoplasty and chin modification). Then it was time to prime, and, apparently, sit on my desk for over six months. I primed them March 1st…

In Classic me fashion, I forgot to document any of the in-between steps for the dry brushing, the red and brown base coats and washes, and (most critically) the eye painting!!!

So after some color-selection and multiple layers, I finally got them done, ready to be based:

The basing itself was simple, since I just used some texture paint for the base layer and covered it using static grass. Here is the unit, competed:


Finally finished my hellcannon. Started out with an old second hand OOP model missing some bits and all the crew, which I had to acquire from somewhere else.

First thing first was fixing the sculpt itself with some greenstuff, as well as sculpting my costumary bull:

I then printed the forge from the LKM, but had some problems with the print. Turns out, leaving a hole allows the full thing to cure.

Had to chop and saw the bottom out and rebuild it with some plasticard

Assembled and tested the full thing, since I wanted to check everything to make sure it looked good.

Uploading: IMG_6198.jpeg…

And here it is, painted up:

The crew:

The hellcannon: