New Hobgoblin models for Age of Sigmar

Paging @IronHaiden , Dr. Haiden to the chat. What say you, Khan of Hobgoblins?


Lol I prefer the term Hobgobla Khan. They are growing on me once I internalised that AOS is not the old world and they can be appreciated for what they are - bad ass evil bros serving what I hope to be some new evil dwarfs.
As a 9th age player I could also see these dudes as a perfect fit for the tyrannical disciples.

That being said I have joined @Fabelzel ’s patreon to print his awesome eastern (hob)goblins as I also need more core troops too.


Thank you for confirming 20mm base sizes in AoS - There is still hope :smiley:

The most exciting thing is that Grimdark Live on the Dominion unboxing episode confirmed that Chaos Dwarfs were coming, and he’s been pretty much spot on so far.

It’s been a long time out in the cold my brothers.


25mm rounds is my guess.


Meh. Some of us managed to get whole units of the old Chaos dwarf plastics on 20mm bases. I am sure that with sum cleva thinking and kunnin base planning we can get these guys down to size for Warhammer Fantasy.


Welcome to cdo


Please note that @IronHaiden 's image of a unit entry is for 20mm bases for Hobgoblins in T9A, not AoS, but as @Skink pointed out it might still work. I have no idea if size inflation will be too much, but I hope the new Hobgrots will work well enough alongside older Hobgobs, or at least look good enough in a 4th ed CD army if new Hobgoblins are ranked up in a unit of their own. :smile:

If I’m going to hazard a pure guess, then I think the feet should work on 20mm bases if they are positioned diagonally, like the Sneaky Gits in your comparison picture above. The new Hobgoblins’ feet are not extended all the way to the edges of the round bases, but I’m also not well acquainted with AoS models in general.

Oh, and if the height turns out to be a tad much, then it might be solved rather easily by cutting them at chest height, remove a chunk of the chest (since the gut is the prominent part on old Hobgobs) and reglue the torso halves. It looks like it could be an easy fix with clippers and a hobby knife if cloth is going to be sculpted over the torso anyway, thus hiding the cut.

I’m really curious to see how people will paint these new minis, and not least convert them. It’s so nice to see what looks like a new entry to CDs through the ages being rolled out.



There are clearly people on this forum who could make functional hobbos from a tictac, a paperclip and some elastic bands, McGuyver style, so I’m fairly certain that some amazing things will be coming down the line from these sculpts by the time people get their grubby little hands on them.


For some reason i didnt think hobbos were bald. Did any1 else think they had hair?

Definitely prefer the models with the helmets to the bald head.


Mhmmm, can’t say I thought that, all greenskins are bald in my eyes.

But the helmeted ones are still better :wink:


GW greenskins and hair is a controversial topic that’s changed over the years. A fundamentalist would say, greenskins only technically have hair-squigs…

I totally agree with you the bare heads and general nudity beneath armour really don’t sit right with me. We will have to see how the components come together

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Ahhh my mistake, I thought it was one them warscrolly thingys.
Good Idea about cutting through the chest to remove height, robes would defs cover that and not change the look of the hob, I like it! :hatoff:

So, for my curiostity, can anyone in the know of AoS confirm definitely what is the smallest base size in AoS?

ROFLMAO!!! This is so true though!! hahaha :smiley:

Yeah I am thinking the same

It is indeed a bit strange, something I would expect from those Slaanesh types


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This needs to be animated into a TV commercial…

Calling all in house animators… please playable make this real!


I regret that I have but one like to give for this masterpiece

Saying goodbye to body odour while being a hobgrot with black teeth who lives in a swamp sounds too good to be true! I’ll take twelve!


I’ve been trying to zero in on why I hate the nudity so much, and it brought me back to the old army books.

it’s because 1993 Hobgoblins were the best dressed greenskins.

They wore the most clothes. That’s what makes their bare feet so distinctive. This didn’t impact their status as unarmoured chaff either - they’re wearing fabrics.

So, the weird armoured nudists are a bit incongruous, whether they live in swamps or not.


Another far cheaper option for hobgoblins will be the wargame atlantic goblin sprues- pictures of the new sprues on facebook. All their models appear to be very tall which is perfect for hobbos. Looks like wolfrider options and bow and handwespon infantry all on same sprue


Idk, bald goblins and orcs are different. Bald hobbos look like orange testicles imho

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