Grim Dark Chaos Dwarfs

Looking great @GhraskDragh

Yes we had no idea this army would become a rare collectors edition so soon after you purchased it did we?


Sweet :21:


Awesome! :metal:


There is so much to say about this thread… Also many feelings to be felt… Jealousy is right up there :smiley:

These are just beautiful. It works so well.

on another note… do we have a painting tutorial section? Might be nice if we don’t.


I second all of that and find myself wondering how the hell do people paint soooo damn well! I really need to step up my game! I also find it inspirational and my painting hand is getting a bit itchy which it has not done for MANY years!

Would be great to have a painting tutorial section to gather all sorts of tips and tricks for painting as the only tips I know is try not to drink too much beer while painting and patience is difficult!

I have never seen anyone use white armour (apart from panzy elves but we dont talk about that) and it is not a colour I would EVER have considered using for armour but @GhraskDragh , You have knocked it out of the park! Unbelievably well done! Love them!


@Deebo , @GhraskDragh has a tutorial for how he achieved this in the hobby section. Well worth checking out :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the tip, I will check it out… I would give you a like but I used them all up today… there is so much good content here on the new CDO that I have been catching up on and loving! Feels great to be back!


You’ll have unlimited likes soon. Gotta break through that “trust level “ barrier Deebo. Lovely to have you here bringing tonnes of positive energy mate :beer:


Amazing stuff here. Beautiful :heart_eyes:

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Thanks guys, always nice reading through comments like these

Been doing a bit of reading lately over on the old forum, went through my latest old thread over there (saw on my profile joined that site in 2007… :old:) it’s good sometimes to remember the journey. Although I loved having a huge collection of Chaos Dwarfs it did mean I always struggled to find a consistent theme that I was comfortable with, one that suited the 3rd Ed wouldn’t fit LoA and one that fit LoA wouldn’t fit Big Hats etc etc.
Wasn’t until I decided to slim down the collection and pick a generation of minis to have I started getting somewhere, I still have a few things from the old collection so I can paint one day as a break from whatever project I’m on but LoA is the main bulk of my force now and the only guys I need to find a theme for.

So it was nice to look through all the old pics and the old ideas I had over the years…

One of my first ever posts I believe, was made before I joined 2007

My early ideas for the Marauders, green armour and crazy beards

More recent take on big hats

This pic makes me think of the The Doors every time I look at it, listening to noting but while I painted these…change change chaaaange!

I hope you don’t mind this little trip down memory lane, I mention at the beginning of this thread that the first time I tried this Grim Dark White armour scheme it worked exactly as I thought but didn’t mention it took me a long while to get to the thought


Great thread. Loved seeing all the photos and reading about them. The “new” colour scheme looks great. And the weathering is very inspiring (I might give that another try as I’ve never seen to master it)


Even though Dark Angels have been taking up most of my hobby time lately these guys still take top priority in the hobby cabinet on the top shelf


Still dipping in and out of the Great Taurus but not sure I’ve shown the foot soldiers since I decided to go with burning weapons, I think the weapons will really stand out next to the glowing fires of the warmachines when I get around to them some time in the next decade :man_facepalming:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:


My project for July is bringing me back to Chaos Dwarfs.

I shared on this this thread these One Page Rules that has really intrigued, at least until we get some updates for AoS, so I’ve written a list for 750 points as they recommend for a starting point and gives me a chance to complete in a sensible timescale.

So using the Havoc Dwarfs list and what I already have painted I came up with this, which I’m hoping to complete this month

With what I’ve done already that would give me;
9 Chaos Dwarf Warriors
3 Bull Centaurs
1 Sorcerer
3 Grotesques

Let’s go!

The Havoc Dwarfs rules are here


First morning back at it.

This is what I was talking about @Kharnagor and others over on the Artwork thread apologies @Reaver it wasn’t a competition entry :grimacing: :cd1991gif:
I thought for a while about alternate skin tones for these guys and wanted to try and red option much like the awesome Artwork shared

I’ll work a glow into the eyes much like the weapon and other eyes on ‘The King’
I think I may also work a pattern running down the back too :thinking: happy with the first morning though


Devilishly brutal look! It suits him fine. Good idea. :smiley:

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Love the skin tone, this is going to turn out great!

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Cheers guys, definitely turned out better than my first attempt from a couple of years ago


Love the new look, Hashut accepts this offering!


Awesome and brutal loooking BC! Love the paint scheme! :metal:


oh wow, that’s fantastic. nice job.