Legion of Jaskorh [2024-03-31]

Pleased with how the Great Muster is coming along, Hashut demanded the masters of the Tower of Jaskorh be known. So here they are.

You already met the Sorcerer-Prophet on Lammasu. I used some bases to quickly put him at quite a steep angle, which I like a lot better than flat on the base as before. I was always quite unhappy with how tilted the rider sat on the Lammasu, but just by tilting the whole beast back this is much improved. I will sculpt some nice rocks and probably lava on the base, will look great I’m sure.
We also have two Sorcerer-Prophets on foot, the regular one and an event exclusive edition I could pick up from our marketplace, if I’m not mistaken. Their acolytes are three Daemonsmiths, the one from FW, one with the burning hands from Lost Kingdom and the Warhammer World exclusive one (thanks again @Filmdeg for making this possible). The exclusive one is such a great model, he’s actually halfway to a Sorcerer-Prophet.
Since I am in the lucky spot to have two Infernal Castellans (I’d like at this point again to thank @Fuggit_Khan for donating his prize for Scribe’s Contest XII to me and @Zanko for sponsoring the model, you guys are legend), I could convert the other one to a BSB with the standard from the Lost Kingdoms BSB. Their sculpt was nice enough, but uses the exact same body as their Daemonsmith which was a little boring and also not armoured enough for my taste. Putting the banner on was an easy enough operation, but I will have to sculpt him a bigger hand. :sweat_smile:
Then we have a Bull Centaur Taur’ruk to boost the Bull Centaur Renders in close combat. Lovely model, just as all the others.
The only one missing is Drazoath the Ashen, he will kick off Season 2 of the Great Muster.


if i were in your shoes, with all those minis to paint, oh god :dead:
but it’s an amazing collection! keep going!


Love seeing these come to life


Sacre Bleu, somehow I just stopped uploading pictures of the rest of the Great Muster!

So have a look at some other unpainted stuff I’ve build months ago.

First we have Drazhoath the Ashen on Cinderbreath. Quite the beast! Another beautiful sculpt, both the Bale Taurus as well as Drazhoath himself. Drazhoath is magnetised for easier painting and transporting, plus I prefer using generic models for generic characters, so Drazhoath should only be played as Drazhoath and not some run-of-the-mill Sorcerer-Prophet.

Next we have a unit of 30 Infernal Guard with Hailshot Blunderbuss. I used Last Kingdom Miniatures Death Guard with big hats and Arquebuses from back when they still sold physical models. The arquebuses are so-so tbh, they have since been redesigned for the STL files and are much nicer now. But still, so overall look of the unit is quite nice. Can’t wait to hit something with 20D3 S3 AP shots hitting on 4+ and re-rolling to wound.

Next up from Lost Kingdom Miniatures are the Bull Centaurs, also bought as physical models. They are a very good fit with the LoA aesthetic, they are just significantly smaller. As STLs I guess you can just blow up the prints, but LKM also released their anointed Bull Centaurs since, which I guess are an even better fit with the LoA ones. Still, if I hadn’t the LoA ones, I’d be hyped all over the place for the LMK ones :wink: Very nice models.

Last we have the K’Daai Destroyer, I mean Khadai the Disastrous from the Russian Alternative. What an absolute unit! I have to get out my milliput and do some serious gap filling here, but just look at the size of that behemoth. 6 S7 attacks at T6 and W6? Yeah, that checks out. I mean this is a monster!

So what’s still missing now?

  • my Hellcannon is still in the works. I have the old Rotten Cannon but it gets a makeover to fit with the overall style. I started this for the war machine Artisan’s Contest but couldn’t get it done in time. I had to stop the forges for a while but this is still the current item on the workbench
  • A unit of LoA Infernal Guard with Great Weapons. I have the models, I have the weapons I want to use. What I need are the right hands (for the models) to do the actual conversion. The forge world models are actually not good in this regard with the fixed shoulders and all. Still have to think about it
  • A unit of Infernal Ironsworn. I have a last batch of LKM guard here, I want to use the bare heads (since they redeemed their sins and were allowed to take these masks off) and wanted to use the beautiful hand weapons and shields, unfortunately I didn’t order enough or they didn’t send enough. I emailed them and they said they’d send me more, but that never happened. Might have to wait until I have to possibility to maybe print these files…
  • I backed the Raven Twin Kickstarter to get their Chaos Giant, should be exactly the same @MichaelX printed out and used for the Artisan’s Contest. The whole campaign takes ages, don’t know how long it will take until it gets here.

At this point I’ll have everything except any Hobgoblins (and technically the Skullcracker). I backed the Dancing Yak Kickstarter way back to fill this void, but that of course didn’t work out. Recently we’ve seen a lot of great Hobgoblin stuff as STL files and there is also the prospect of new ones as part of this whole Hobgrot thing. We’ll see.


It’s a good giant kit! It’s very modular. Lots of different weapon options! You’ll get your fill!

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Hah, yeah well problem is, when ordering the physical model you select which weapon options you want, you don’t get it as a modular kit unfortunately. Ah well, doesn’t matter, will still have fun with it I’m sure.

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Ah right, it’s a physical set.

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Once again smoke rises from the pits beneath the Tower of Jaskorh

For the longest time the forges of the Tower of Jaskorh have layed dormant, but as this is not only the year of terrain for me but also the time when I want to finally get rid of the last remaining unassembled models, I finally came around building a unit of Infernal Ironsworn.

I got these LKM models way back when they still sold physical models, but I didn’t have enough of the hand weapons and shields. Thankfully, this could be remedied by 3D printing. (as I don’t have one of my own, thanks again to Michael!). The models are really cool, but it will probably be a long time before I field them :slight_smile: In an army list as dense as the Legion of Azgorh, where points are always scarce, these have a tough stance as special choices. We’ll see.


Next from the assembly line are 20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats with a Chaos Dwarf Slaver as a Unit filler.

I’m aware the Hobgrot models are controversial, but I really like them. They fit the Legion of Azgorh aesthetic very well.

Then we have two more Castellan, because you can never have enough of those. Especially because I needed one with a Fireglaive.


I like the slave driver. V nice. Where did he come from?
The hobgrotz arent bad …until you paint them, its the ropes , they are the worst.

I forgot what your painting was like jasko, so i scrolled back to have a look. Last painted entry is march 2021. Not trying to shame you into action or anything or totally call you out…haha :cry:

Edit: i actually think it was michaelx painted thing.


Haha, it’s true :see_no_evil: I’ve yet to paint my Legion of Azgorh. And I will. Eventually. I have painted my Big Hats, so at least I’ve put some paint on Chaos Dwarfs. :sweat_smile:


Not sure how i missed it… nice army.

So hats, masks then helms?

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Hard to say. I guess I lean towards mask, hats then helmets.

And thanks! I painted it up for CDOffline22

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Here we have 10 Gloomspite Gitmod Snarlfang Rider to act as Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders.

Really like those models. And I’m happy to report they rank up on cavalry bases.


I finally revisited an old project I started for Artisan’s Contest XXXII but couldn’t finish in time.

I have this old Rotten Cannon and wanted to make it a little less, well, rotten to better fit with the Legion of Azgorh.

I comes without crew, but I had enough spare Lost Kingdom Miniatures models lying around to make one. This was also a welcome chance to use the masked heads, which I hadn’t used yet. I think they fit quite well with a war machine crew.

Back to the cannon, I filed away some of the weird stuff on the chassis and used lots of milliput to cover it all up. I then built a frame out of a chopstick und fashioned a case for the cannon from a cardboard pipe. Toothpicks made nice spikes which I connected to the poles with wire and model chain. Plasticard and parts of a vegetable net were used to prolong the carriage.

I technically have a few wall torches I want to put on the sides of the four poles, I think that will looks pretty cool, but for the life of me I just cannot find them. Once I do I will attach them, but continuing to search the same places over and over again will drive me crazy.

Overall I am reasonably pleased with it. I’m sure it will all come together once it’s primed. There are nicer models out there, especially with 3D-printing, but this will always be unique and mine, that counts for something :slight_smile:


Great build! Been waiting to see this one for a while now. I think it will fit nicely with your army. The chains and support structure did a lot to upcycle it!


I do like the original, but it needs a very specific army theme to fit.
Your solution should work very well!
Putting so many chains in place must have been a pain.

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Oh my :blush: Thanks! Glad you like how it turned out.

Haha, yeah it took a few minutes :sweat_smile: Once I found my groove it was OK. The wire to hold them in place was def trickey, especially on the horizontal toothpicks - mainly because I had glued them in place before :upside_down_face: And of course, when I tried to glue the first chain on the toothpick, it broke. One link after the already glued in upper wire. You can see where I had to fix it with wire (lowest chain on the right, second link from the top)


The Jaskorh Bat’lethii

The heavy blade parted the thick plate armour as easily as a sheet of parchment. The flesh and bone inside might as well have been water. The Jaskorh Bat’lethii methodically cut down the humans like weeds, the magnificent Bat’leth blades which gave them their names swinging in great arches around the heavily armour Dwarfs. Guntharr alone was allowed to show his face again, and his scarred features displaying madness and joy in equal measure.

“Who dares to stand before the Tower of Jaskorh?”, he shouted as he bisected another manling from hair to groin. “You?” Another one dead. “You?” The next one. The men the Bat’lethii were fighting held the manlings center, and he could see that the other regiments looked to them for guidance. While those could be dealt with by the remaining Infernal Guard, these ones were his to slay. The Bat’lethii were always found where the fighting was thickest. Killing the most powerful foe was their duty. For Guntharr it was a prerogative. These ones were supposed to be the manling’s elite. So far, Guntharr was not impressed.

To his left, he saw Akzhor pierced by an equally large blade. Finally a worthy opponent! The Greatsword’s champion pulled his blade from Akzhor’s body, but before he could strike again, Guntharr was upon him. Both Men and Dwarfs gave them room. The manling said something in their crude language but Guntharr paid him no heed and attacled. The traded a few blows, far faster than their large weapons should have allowed. This one at least knew which end of his blade was the sharp one. It didn’t do him much good. Guntharr fluently switched between grips on his Bat’Leth, turning any reverse stroke into the next attack. Before long, the human couldn’t keep up and an opening presented itself. Blood gushed forwards in a thick stream from the stump where moments before the human’s left leg was. He cried like an infant as he dropped to the ground, immediately followed by Guntharr’s blade.

With their champion dead, the Greatswords’ spirit was finally broken and they turned to flee the battlefield. None made it past three steps. When the lesser humans saw their best fighters humiliated and cut down, the little trust they had in their own skill was equally destroyed and panic swept through their ranks like ripples on a lake. Many ended up in chains, more would fertilize the barren soil with their blood. Only a handful escaped to tell the story the Tower of Jaskorh.

At last, I’ve arrived.
For years I had plans to convert the last 21 of my Infernal Guard into a unit with Great Weapons. And for years, I wanted to use the awesome glaive weapons of the Wood Elf Wildwood Rangers. Finally I stopped worrying about how I would screw his up and just did it.

The Infernal Guard models aren’t exactly perfect for conversions. The shoulders are attached to the torso with the arms separate from the elbow. That’s already a bad start. First I did a prototype, where I used one of the glaives and the hands/shaft from a Hammerer to create the first straight-forward weapon. I used Blu Tack to temporarily attach it to one of the Infernal Guard. I was pretty happy about it! It’s truly massive, though, and the position of the arms would mean that it stretches way beyond the actual Dwarf model. Cool as a concept, but maybe not the best idea afterall.

Still, encouraging first results. And speaking of encouragement, the positive feedback from the CDO community in the discord was truly overwhelming and made me so happy! This thing was in my head for so long and I wasn’t sure if it would come out well enough. It’s an Elgi weapon after all! I went to bed happy and had an epiphany - switch the blade around! The next day, a second prototype was done. It had something, everything looked much stockier and Dwarfish, but the blade just didn’t look right. For the third prototype I put both hands outside the blade. It looked a little weird too, but this was pretty close to what I had in mind. And it finally dawned on me that I was chasing something like a Klingon Bat’leth!
I primed and painted all prototypes to get a better feeling. Finally I decided to go with the third option, as I liked the overall look the most, plus it would just be the most unique thing in the end.

With the decision made, it was time for the actual work. The weapons were quickly assembled, but the Infernal Guard torsos still needed some work. The arms would have to be filled at the elbows to have them more at an angle. This proved more difficult then I hoped after the Blu Tack. I couldn’t get the angle I wanted, both because it looks weird enough already (as you can see that the arms are bent in an unnatural way) but also because the beard would get in the way. And even if I finally found the courage to actually do the work, I was still trying to do as little permanent modifications to the Infernal Guard models as possible.

Thanks to the move to 25mm bases for TOW, they rank up. I am very glad that I didn’t go with the original weapon concept, because those would not have been possiblt to rank up. Overall I am super happy with how they turned out, even if I’d wish they would hold their weapons more … vertically. The champion also needs more work, as I’m not happy with his left arm. Also his weapon needs more attention. Still, I finally have Infernal Guard with Great Weapons!