This is a counterpoint to my Forge of Unfinished Business, where (in the days of CDO) I’d focus on establishing builds and the initial creation, but give less attention to finished works.
Tentatively, my plans for things I’d like to get underway (if not finish, given enough time) are:
- Warhammer Quest (classic): All Monsters for every dungeon level entry, including all expansions
- Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress (core set)
- Dragon’s Rest - 3D printed Trihex Citadel terrain
- Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress - Dreaded Ambull
- Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress - Traitor Command
- Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress - Escalation
- Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress - No Respite
- Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress - Deadly Alliance
- Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress - Ascension
- Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress - Cultists of the Abyss
- Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress - Servants of the Abyss
- Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress - Extra Characters ( Eversor Assassin, Harlequin Solitaire, 2 Ogryn, Penitent 707, Skarburn Zapdakka, Jokaero Weaponsmith)
- Kill Team Rogue Trader set
- Legion of Azgorh various warmachines
- Legion of Azgorh Bale Taurus
- Legion of Azgorh Infernal Guard
- Unit of Chaos Dwarf Infernal Ironsworn - “Retrbution. One Black Orc at a time!” (started in 2011)
- 2nd Unit of Chaos Dwarf Infernal Ironsworn/Daemon Hunters (started in 2012!)
- Hellcannons
- My unfinished K’daai Destroyer (started in 2012, never finished)
- My unfinished Chaos Dwarf Daemonic Locomotive (started in 2012, didn’t like how the back end was going, never finsihed)
- My K’daai Fireborn (started painting in 2012, but didn’t like where it was going so I never finished!)
- My Dawi Zharr Temple of Hashut Entrance (started in 2011, been adding to it off and on as inspiration comes, I think it’s ready to paint)
- Hobgoblins
- Warhammer Quest Cursed City (core set)
- Warhammer Quest Cursed City - all models for Nightwars (Radukar the Beast, Kritza the Rat Prince, Lady Annika the Thirsting Blade, a Vampire Lord, and Fell Bats)
- Warhammer Quest Cursed City - all models for Nemesis (Wight King, Necromancer, unit of Grave Guard, Vargheists, and Dire Wolves)
- Necromunda (core set, containing House Escher and House Goliath)
- Necromunda Dark Uprising
- Necromunda Ash Wastes
- Necromunda - various and sundry Forge World models (especially interested in creatures for use in other games)
- Various models by Boris Wołoszyn
And just like that I am on the board… he may not look like much but this Beastman has been floating around my collection for ~15 years. He has been primed several times, paint jobs were started and abandoned. He’s been left at the bottom of drawers, moved around to several new houses, witnessed the birth of my children, and stood vigil over my disused painting station in the hopes I may one day return. He’s not going to win any awards, but he’s done and ready to be put aside to one day be joined by the rest of his herd!
And a start on the Blackstone Fortress Models…
Oh! i love those blackstone fortress models! they look great, very nice color transitions!
What are they supposed to be?
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Guardian Drones, automated centuries that respond to threats and invaders, kind of like the immune system of the fortress. I’m about half way through the first book and just read about another type of drone that also guards the fortress… not clear if they’re supposed to be the same units as these ones in the base game or not, but in the book they’re described as pyramidal automatons with multiple limbs that skitter along the floors of the fortress and are assembled out of the plates in the floors. I’m now on the hunt for some .stl files I can cobble together to make some of my own Guess I’ll have to add them to the list one I start printing! LOL
Not finished… Yet. I have been laid out flat for the last week with Covid. I’m still infectious and it seemed appropriate to paint the majority of my unpainted Nurgle models.
Yes, I have been licking my brush!! Bwa ha ha ha!!! Let the taint of the foul plague spread through out the lands!!!
Bit late posting (hectic weekend with kids tournaments). Completed 29 Nurgle just before leaving last weekend though!
exquisite beatman! I think hes amazingly well done! as far as those blackstone models, the gardient is perfectly done and repeated across all the models! excellent work!
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Needed a few extra Nurgle-themed models. I converted 3 old Chaos Warriors and used up some nice spare bitz. Not sure what I’ll paint next: Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Khorne, or some regular Chaos Warrors, or maybe Beastmen… Also have all of the undead and vampire models from Cursed City and undead from other sets over the years too.
After counting, I’m a little scared how many Tzeentch models I have, ~115 unpainted! That being said, they’d be good for batch painting, especially if I fire up the air brush, and would really make an impact on my BATG score
We will be staying at our summer property in July/August so I’m already concerned there may not be any painting done in those months at all. I took models and paints to work on last year and managed 4 models in all that time… yikes!
I’m looking forward to seeing your Tzeentch force going just as planned! Great work with these nurgle sloggers.
I’ve got a few things on my upcoming painting to-do list now!! Just over 100 Tzeentch. Time to get started!!!
Edit: Just realized while I was painting last night that the preview pic above had the IP address and root username/passwd for my Warhammer Quest server and my HeroQuest dice rolling app on full display (it has been edited out in the current version). Good grief!! I’m getting old, I’d never let something like that slip in the past. I just changed the root passwd, edited the hosts.allow and hosts.deny file to filter access request traffic at the server, blocked traffic to it at the router unless it’s access requests from with our house, and temporarily took it offline for now just in case. I’m a dumb dummy… . LOL?
First 10 out of a hundred or so Tzeentch models that are in-progress - just going for table-top standard so these can finally see some use!
Pink Horrors
Blue Horrors are next, but it’ll have to wait until after vacation now
17 more completed - Blue Horrors and The Changeling
+2 new ones to add to the pile!
That’s an awesome kharadron model! And two no less. I’m jelly
Love that ol changeling model!
One for use as-is and one for conversion for my Chaos Dwarf army
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that’s what I like to hear!
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5 Brimstone Horrors to round-out the Horrors.
On a roll now…
That changeling robe is gorgeous, what combination of blues did you use?
I started with airbrushing from the bottom with Vallejo Game extra opaque Heavy Violet (72.142), then transitioned the top half with Vallejo Model Color Dark Prussian Blue (70.899), and finally the very upper portion got a very light treatment of Vallejo Model Color Sky Blue (70.961) so that it kind of worked out to be 3 layers: bottom, middle, top. In the recesses I shaded the violet with Citadel Contrast Magos Purple and then highlighted with the Vallejo Sky Blue, followed by a 50/50 mix of Sky Blue and Citadel White Scar (which is more of a very light grey), and finally highlighted with just White Scar.
I was going for quick with what at least looked like a reasonable result. I could have spent 4-5x more time on it, but at my skill level it wouldn’t have looked significantly different or any better except some highlight transitions would have been smoother.
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Passed the 100 mark with painted models. This is more than I’ve painted in the past 10 years combined for sure!
Current group: 20 Kairic Acolytes. Once again, stressing WAY less than I used to. I used to get hyper detailed with the paint jobs, basically trying to paint every single one at a ‘hero’ type level, which took the fun out of it. Enjoying this a lot more now