Hotstuff's 3D Print Experiments

Time for an update! First a look at some actual prints:

Very happy how the hats add variety to my maimed monopose warriors.

I also felt Zhatan needed his own shield design.

As my Death Rockets have custom wheels, I was interested in giving the Earthshaker some chunky wheels. I’m sure you guys can spot the inspiration.

So, what’s next? Since the 5th edition is so banner heavy I felt I could do better than the fragile paper banner. Here are some screenshots of a first few experiments. I get particularly excited when I find things in the official artwork that don’t show up in the sculpts (Zhatan shield & banners) or in the available banners.

Many of my lords are missing their back banners, so I had to fix them.

All banners will fit onto 1.5mm brass rod.

Lastly a few more axeblades:

Thanks to all you fellows for keeping me company during the hobby hangouts on the discord. Painting with friends in person is sadly jut not a thing anymore at my age, so this a game/life-changer for me.

STL’s will be uploaded soon to Cults3D where I’ll be hosting the models slightly more organised.